Monday 13 January 2014

Hello, my name is Xmas

Matthew McConaughey
When I was a boy in the late 80s/early 90s, back when Christian parents used to boycott Halloween to the chagrin of their sucraholic progeny, the short form Xmas was considered blasphemy. 

By that logic I commit sacrilege every time I introduce myself. My given name, Matthew, is from the Hebrew Mattathyah meaning "gift of God" (mattath = gift, yah = Jehovah). 

Transliterated through Greek (Mattathias), Latin (Matthaeus) and French (Mathieu) the 'god' part of my name has ended up as ew, phonetically /ju/. So when I introduce myself 'Matt' I'm calling myself a gift and basically turning into an atheist.

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